Turning in uncertain times
Journey to the land of the "bifurcators", those people who have decided to change their lives in a time of increasing turbulence (economic, geopolitical and, above all, environmental).
In 2021, as Laure Noualhat embarked on a life-changing tour of France, she took Jéromine Derigny in her old Dacia with slick tires on a road-trip among “transitioners”. Young or old, single or with a family, with or without a job… many of them are now reorienting their lives to face the times ahead. In search of autonomy and joy, they are experimenting with everything that can be, and are spreading throughout France. A book – unfortunately without photos! – was published by Tana Editions on January 26, 2023. Notice to publishers who would like a version illustrated by Jéromine!
Laure Noualhat, journaliste
Jérômine Derigny photojournalist